Solving harmonic equations
Once a differential equation of motion has been defined in DifferentialEquation
and converted to a HarmonicEquation
, we may use the homotopy continuation method (as implemented in HomotopyContinuation.jl) to find steady states. This means that, having called get_harmonic_equations
, we need to set all time-derivatives to zero and parse the resulting algebraic equations into a Problem
holds the steady-state equations, and (optionally) the symbolic Jacobian which is needed for stability / linear response calculations.
Once defined, a Problem
can be solved for a set of input parameters using get_steady_states
to obtain Result
HarmonicBalance.Problem Type
mutable struct Problem{ParType<:Number, Jac<:FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Matrix{ComplexF64}, Tuple{Vector{ComplexF64}}}}
Holds a set of algebraic equations describing the steady state of a system.
: The harmonic variables to be solved for.parameters::Vector{Num}
: All symbols which are not the harmonic variables.swept_parameters::OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Num, Vector{ParType}} where ParType<:Number
: The swept parameters in the homotopy.fixed_parameters::OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Num, ParType} where ParType<:Number
: The fixed parameters in the homotopy.system::HomotopyContinuation.ModelKit.System
: The input object for HomotopyContinuation.jl solver methods.jacobian::FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Matrix{ComplexF64}, Tuple{Vector{ComplexF64}}}
: The Jacobian matrix (possibly symbolic or compiled function). IfMatrix{Nan}
and implicit function is compiled when aResult
is created.eom::HarmonicEquation
: The HarmonicEquation object used to generate thisProblem
HarmonicBalance.get_steady_states Function
Solves problem
with the method
over the ranges specified by swept_parameters
, keeping fixed_parameters
constant. swept_parameters
accepts pairs mapping symbolic variables to arrays or ranges. fixed_parameters
accepts pairs mapping symbolic variables to numbers.
Keyword arguments
: Indicate whether a progress bar should be displayed.sorting
: the method used bysort_solutions
to get continuous solutions branches. The current options are"hilbert"
(1D sorting along a Hilbert curve),"nearest"
(nearest-neighbor sorting) and"none"
: Iftrue
, the solutions will be classified using the default classification method.
solving a simple harmonic oscillator
# having obtained a Problem object, let's find steady states
julia> range = (ω => range(0.8, 1.2, 100) ) # 100 parameter sets to solve
julia> fixed = ParameterList(m => 1, γ => 0.01, F => 0.5, ω_0 => 1)
julia> get_steady_states(problem, range, fixed)
A steady state result for 100 parameter points
Solution branches: 1
of which real: 1
of which stable: 1
Classes: stable, physical, Hopf, binary_labels
It is also possible to perform 2-dimensional sweeps.
# The swept parameters take precedence over fixed -> use the same fixed
julia> range = (ω => range(0.8,1.2,100), F => range(0.1,1.0,10) )
# The swept parameters take precedence over fixed -> the F in fixed is now ignored
julia> get_steady_states(problem, range, fixed)
A steady state result for 1000 parameter points
Solution branches: 1
of which real: 1
of which stable: 1
Classes: stable, physical, Hopf, binary_labels
HarmonicBalance.Result Type
struct Result{D, SolType<:Number, ParType<:Number, F<:FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Array{SolType<:Number, 2}, Tuple{Array{SolType<:Number, 1}}}}
Stores the steady states of a HarmonicEquation.
solutions::Array{Array{Vector{SolType}, 1}, D} where {D, SolType<:Number}
: The variable values of steady-state solutions.swept_parameters::OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Num, Vector{ParType}} where ParType<:Number
: Values of all parameters for all solutions.fixed_parameters::OrderedCollections.OrderedDict{Num, ParType} where ParType<:Number
: The parameters fixed throughout the solutions.problem::HarmonicBalance.Problem{ParType, F} where {SolType<:Number, ParType<:Number, F<:FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Matrix{SolType}, Tuple{Vector{SolType}}}}
: TheProblem
used to generate this.classes::Dict{String, Array{BitVector, D}} where D
: Maps strings such as "stable", "physical" etc to arrays of values, classifying the solutions (see methodclassify_solutions!
: Create binary classification of the solutions, such that each solution point receives an identifier based on its permutation of stable branches (allows to distinguish between different phases, which may have the same number of stable solutions). It works by converting each bitstring[is_stable(solution_1), is_stable(solution_2), ...,]
into unique labels.jacobian::FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Matrix{SolType}, Tuple{Vector{SolType}}} where SolType<:Number
: The Jacobian function withfixed_parameters
already substituted. Accepts a vector specifying the solution. If problem.jacobian is a symbolic matrix, this holds a compiled function.seed::UInt32
: Seed used for the solver
Classifying solutions
The solutions in Result
are accompanied by similarly-sized boolean arrays stored in the dictionary Result.classes
. The classes can be used by the plotting functions to show/hide/label certain solutions.
By default, classes "physical", "stable" and "binary_labels" are created. User-defined classification is possible with classify_solutions!
HarmonicBalance.classify_solutions! Function
func::Union{Function, String},
) -> Any
Creates a solution class in res
using the function func
(parsed into Symbolics.jl input). The new class is labeled with name
and stored under res.classes[name]
. By default, only physical (real) solutions are classified, and false
is returned for the rest. To also classify complex solutions, set physical=false
# solve a previously-defined problem
res = get_steady_states(problem, swept_parameters, fixed_parameters)
# classify, store in result.classes["large_amplitude"]
classify_solutions!(res, "sqrt(u1^2 + v1^2) > 1.0" , "large_amplitude")
Sorting solutions
Solving a steady-state problem over a range of parameters returns a solution set for each parameter. For a continuous change of parameters, each solution in a set usually also changes continuously; it is said to form a ''solution branch''. For an example, see the three colour-coded branches for the Duffing oscillator on the introduction page.
For stable states, the branches describe a system's behaviour under adiabatic parameter changes.
Therefore, after solving for a parameter range, we want to order each solution set such that the solutions' order reflects the branches.
The function sort_solutions
goes over the the raw output of get_steady_states
and sorts each entry such that neighboring solution sets minimize Euclidean distance.
Currently, sort_solutions
is compatible with 1D and 2D arrays of solution sets.
HarmonicBalance.sort_solutions Function
solutions::Union{Array{Array{Array{T, 1}, 1}, 1}, Array{Array{Array{T, 1}, 1}, 2}};
) -> Any
Sorts solutions
into branches according to the specified sorting
is an n-dimensional array of Vector{Vector}
. Each element describes a set of solutions for a given parameter set. The output is a similar array, with each solution set rearranged such that neighboring solution sets have the smallest Euclidean distance.
The sorting
keyword argument specifies the method used to get continuous solution branches. Options are "hilbert"
(1D sorting along a Hilbert curve), "nearest"
(nearest-neighbor sorting), and "none"
. The show_progress
keyword argument indicates whether a progress bar should be displayed.