Plotting solutions
HarmonicBalance.jl comes with a plotting module PlotsExt
that allows you to visualize the steady states in the HarmonicBalance.Result
. The module is conditionally loaded based on the Plots.jl
package being loaded.
The function plot
is multiple-dispatched to plot 1D and 2D datasets. In 1D, the solutions are colour-coded according to the branches obtained by sort_solutions
RecipesBase.plot Method
res::HarmonicBalance.Result{D, S, P, F} where F<:FunctionWrappers.FunctionWrapper{Array{S, 2}, Tuple{Array{S, 1}}},
) -> Plots.Plot
Plot a Result
Class selection done by passing String
or Vector{String}
as kwarg:
class : only plot solutions in this class(es) ("all" --> plot everything)
not_class : do not plot solutions in this class(es)
Other kwargs are passed onto
See also plot!
The x,y,z arguments are Strings compatible with Symbolics.jl, e.g., y=2*sqrt(u1^2+v1^2)
plots the amplitude of the first quadratures multiplied by 2.
1D plots
plot(res::Result; x::String, y::String, class="default", not_class=[], kwargs...)
plot(res::Result, y::String; kwargs...) # take x automatically from Result
Default behaviour is to plot stable solutions as full lines, unstable as dashed.
If a sweep in two parameters were done, i.e., dimension(res)==2
, a one dimensional cut can be plotted by using the keyword cut
were it takes a Pair{Num, Float}
type entry. For example, plot(res, y="sqrt(u1^2+v1^2), cut=(λ => 0.2))
plots a cut at λ = 0.2
2D plots
plot(res::Result; z::String, branch::Int64, class="physical", not_class=[], kwargs...)
To make the 2d plot less chaotic it is required to specify the specific branch
to plot, labeled by a Int64
The x and y axes are taken automatically from res
RecipesBase.plot! Function
) -> Plots.Plot
Similar to plot
but adds a plot onto an existing plot.
Plotting phase diagrams
In many problems, rather than in any property of the solutions themselves, we are interested in the phase diagrams, encoding the number of (stable) solutions in different regions of the parameter space. plot_phase_diagram
handles this for 1D and 2D datasets.
HarmonicBalance.plot_phase_diagram Function
res::HarmonicBalance.Result{D, SolType} where SolType<:Number;
) -> Plots.Plot
Plot the number of solutions in a Result
object as a function of the parameters. Works with 1D and 2D datasets.
Class selection done by passing String
or Vector{String}
as kwarg:
class::String : only count solutions in this class ("all" --> plot everything)
not_class::String : do not count solutions in this class
Other kwargs are passed onto
Plot spaghetti plot
Sometimes, it is useful to plot the quadratures of the steady states (u, v) in function of a swept parameter. This is done with plot_spaghetti
HarmonicBalance.plot_spaghetti Function
res::HarmonicBalance.Result{D, SolType} where SolType<:Number;
Plot a three dimension line plot of a Result
object as a function of the parameters. Works with 1D and 2D datasets.
Class selection done by passing String
or Vector{String}
as kwarg:
class::String : only count solutions in this class ("all" --> plot everything)
not_class::String : do not count solutions in this class
Other kwargs are passed onto