Time evolution
Generally, solving the ODE of oscillatory systems in time requires numerically tracking the oscillations. This is a computationally expensive process; however, using the harmonic ansatz removes the oscillatory time-dependence. Simulating instead the harmonic variables of a HarmonicEquation
is vastly more efficient - a steady state of the system appears as a fixed point in multidimensional space rather than an oscillatory function.
The extension TimeEvolution
is used to interface HarmonicEquation
with the solvers contained in OrdinaryDiffEq.jl
. Time-dependent parameter sweeps are defined using the object AdiabaticSweep
. To use the TimeEvolution
extension, one must first load the OrdinaryDiffEq.jl
SciMLBase.ODEProblem Method
Creates an ODEProblem object used by OrdinaryDiffEqTsit5.jl from the equations in eom
to simulate time-evolution within timespan
. fixed_parameters
must be a dictionary mapping parameters+variables to numbers (possible to use a solution index, e.g. solutions[x][y] for branch y of solution x). If u0
is specified, it is used as an initial condition; otherwise the values from fixed_parameters
are used.
HarmonicBalance.AdiabaticSweep Type
Represents a sweep of one or more parameters of a HarmonicEquation
. During a sweep, the selected parameters vary linearly over some timespan and are constant elsewhere.
Sweeps of different variables can be combined using +
functions::Dict{Num, Function}
: Maps each swept parameter to a function.
# create a sweep of parameter a from 0 to 1 over time 0 -> 100
julia> @variables a,b;
julia> sweep = AdiabaticSweep(a => [0., 1.], (0, 100));
julia> sweep[a](50)
julia> sweep[a](200)
# do the same, varying two parameters simultaneously
julia> sweep = AdiabaticSweep([a => [0.,1.], b => [0., 1.]], (0,100))
Successive sweeps can be combined,
sweep1 = AdiabaticSweep(ω => [0.95, 1.0], (0, 2e4))
sweep2 = AdiabaticSweep(λ => [0.05, 0.01], (2e4, 4e4))
sweep = sweep1 + sweep2
multiple parameters can be swept simultaneously,
sweep = AdiabaticSweep([ω => [0.95;1.0], λ => [5e-2;1e-2]], (0, 2e4))
and custom sweep functions may be used.
ωfunc(t) = cos(t)
sweep = AdiabaticSweep(ω => ωfunc)
In addition, one can use the steady_state_sweep
function from SteadyStateDiffEqExt
to perform a parameter sweep over the steady states of a system. For this one has to load SteadyStateDiffEq.jl
HarmonicBalance.steady_state_sweep Function
steady_state_sweep(prob::SteadyStateProblem, alg::DynamicSS; varied::Pair, kwargs...)
Sweeps through a range of parameter values using a dynamic steady state solver DynamicSS
of the SteadyStateDiffEq.jl
package. Given a steady state problem and a parameter to vary, computes the steady state solution for each value in the sweep range. The solutions are returned as a vector where each element corresponds to the steady state found at that parameter value.
steady_state_sweep(prob_np::NonlinearProblem, prob_ss::SteadyStateProblem,
alg_np, alg_ss::DynamicSS; varied::Pair, kwargs...)
Performs a parameter sweep by combining nonlinear root alg_np
and steady state solvers alg_ss
. For each parameter value, it first attempts a direct nonlinear root solver and checks its stability. If the solution is unstable or not found, it switches to a dynamic steady state solver. This hybrid approach is much faster then only using a steady state solver.
RecipesBase.plot Method
plot(soln::ODESolution, f::String, harm_eq::HarmonicEquation; kwargs...)
Plot a function f
of a time-dependent solution soln
of harm_eq
As a function of time
plot(soln::ODESolution, f::String, harm_eq::HarmonicEquation; kwargs...)
is parsed by Symbolics.jl
parametric plots
plot(soln::ODESolution, f::Vector{String}, harm_eq::HarmonicEquation; kwargs...)
Parametric plot of f[1] against f[2]
Also callable as plot!
Using a time-dependent simulation can verify solution stability in cases where the Jacobian is too expensive to compute.
HarmonicBalance.is_stable Function
Numerically investigate the stability of a solution soln
of eom
within timespan
. The initial condition is displaced by perturb_initial
Return true
the solution evolves within tol
of the initial value (interpreted as stable).
) -> Any
Returns true if the solution soln
of the Result res
is stable. Stable solutions are real and have all Jacobian eigenvalues Re(λ) <= 0. im_tol
: an absolute threshold to distinguish real/complex numbers. rel_tol
: Re(λ) considered <=0 if real.(λ) < rel_tol*abs(λmax)