Parametric Pumping via Three-Wave Mixing
using HarmonicBalance, Plots
using Plots.Measures
using Random
@variables β α ω ω0 F γ t x(t) # declare constant variables and a function x(t)
diff_eq = DifferentialEquation(
d(x, t, 2) + ω0^2 * x + β * x^2 + α * x^3 + γ * d(x, t) ~ F * cos(ω * t), x
add_harmonic!(diff_eq, x, ω) # specify the ansatz x = u(T) cos(ωt) + v(T) sin(ωt)
1st order Krylov expansion
harmonic_eq = get_krylov_equations(diff_eq; order=1)
If we both have quadratic and cubic nonlineariy, we observe the normal duffing oscillator response.
varied = (ω => range(0.99, 1.1, 200)) # range of parameter values
fixed = (α => 1.0, β => 1.0, ω0 => 1.0, γ => 0.005, F => 0.0025) # fixed parameters
result = get_steady_states(harmonic_eq, varied, fixed)
plot(result; y="u1^2+v1^2")
If we set the cubic nonlinearity to zero, we recover the driven damped harmonic oscillator. Indeed, thefirst order the quadratic nonlinearity has no affect on the system.
varied = (ω => range(0.99, 1.1, 100))
fixed = (α => 0.0, β => 1.0, ω0 => 1.0, γ => 0.005, F => 0.0025)
result = get_steady_states(harmonic_eq, varied, fixed)
plot(result; y="u1^2+v1^2")
2nd order Krylov expansion
The quadratic nonlinearity
@variables β α ω ω0 F γ t x(t)
diff_eq = DifferentialEquation(
d(x, t, 2) + ω0^2 * x + β * x^2 + α * x^3 + γ * d(x, t) ~ F * cos(2ω * t), x
add_harmonic!(diff_eq, x, ω)
harmonic_eq2 = get_krylov_equations(diff_eq; order=2)
A set of 2 harmonic equations
Variables: u1(T), v1(T)
Parameters: ω, ω0, F, β, α, γ
Harmonic ansatz:
x(t) = u1(T)*cos(ωt) + v1(T)*sin(ωt)
Harmonic equations:
(-(1//6)*F*v1(T)*β*(ω^5) + (5//12)*(u1(T)^2)*v1(T)*(β^2)*(ω^5) + (5//12)*(v1(T)^3)*(β^2)*(ω^5) + (1//8)*v1(T)*(γ^2)*(ω^7) + (1//8)*v1(T)*(ω^9) - (1//4)*v1(T)*(ω^7)*(ω0^2) + (1//8)*v1(T)*(ω^5)*(ω0^4) - (3//8)*(u1(T)^2)*v1(T)*α*(ω^7) + (3//8)*(u1(T)^2)*v1(T)*α*(ω^5)*(ω0^2) - (3//8)*(v1(T)^3)*α*(ω^7) + (3//8)*(v1(T)^3)*α*(ω^5)*(ω0^2) + (51//256)*(u1(T)^4)*v1(T)*(α^2)*(ω^5) + (51//128)*(u1(T)^2)*(v1(T)^3)*(α^2)*(ω^5) + (51//256)*(v1(T)^5)*(α^2)*(ω^5)) / (ω^8) + (-(1//2)*u1(T)*γ*ω + (1//2)*v1(T)*(ω^2) - (1//2)*v1(T)*(ω0^2) - (3//8)*(u1(T)^2)*v1(T)*α - (3//8)*(v1(T)^3)*α) / ω ~ Differential(T)(u1(T))
(-(1//2)*u1(T)*(ω^2) + (1//2)*u1(T)*(ω0^2) - (1//2)*v1(T)*γ*ω + (3//8)*(u1(T)^3)*α + (3//8)*u1(T)*(v1(T)^2)*α) / ω + (-(1//6)*F*u1(T)*β*(ω^5) - (5//12)*(u1(T)^3)*(β^2)*(ω^5) - (5//12)*u1(T)*(v1(T)^2)*(β^2)*(ω^5) - (1//8)*u1(T)*(γ^2)*(ω^7) - (1//8)*u1(T)*(ω^9) + (1//4)*u1(T)*(ω^7)*(ω0^2) - (1//8)*u1(T)*(ω^5)*(ω0^4) + (3//8)*(u1(T)^3)*α*(ω^7) - (3//8)*(u1(T)^3)*α*(ω^5)*(ω0^2) + (3//8)*u1(T)*(v1(T)^2)*α*(ω^7) - (3//8)*u1(T)*(v1(T)^2)*α*(ω^5)*(ω0^2) - (51//256)*(u1(T)^5)*(α^2)*(ω^5) - (51//128)*(u1(T)^3)*(v1(T)^2)*(α^2)*(ω^5) - (51//256)*u1(T)*(v1(T)^4)*(α^2)*(ω^5)) / (ω^8) ~ Differential(T)(v1(T))
varied = (ω => range(0.4, 1.1, 500))
fixed = (α => 1.0, β => 2.0, ω0 => 1.0, γ => 0.001, F => 0.005)
result = get_steady_states(harmonic_eq2, varied, fixed)
plot(result; y="v1")
varied = (ω => range(0.4, 0.6, 100), F => range(1e-6, 0.01, 50))
fixed = (α => 1.0, β => 2.0, ω0 => 1.0, γ => 0.01)
method = TotalDegree()
result = get_steady_states(harmonic_eq2, method, varied, fixed)
plot_phase_diagram(result; class="stable")
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