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If you use HarmonicBalance.jl in your project, we kindly ask you to cite this paper, namely:

HarmonicBalance.jl: A Julia suite for nonlinear dynamics using harmonic balance, Jan Košata, Javier del Pino, Toni L. Heugel, Oded Zilberberg, SciPost Phys. Codebases 6 (2022)

The limit cycle finding algorithm is based on the work of this paper:

Limit cycles as stationary states of an extended harmonic balance ansatz J. del Pino, J. Košata, and O. Zilberberg, Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 033180 (2024).

For more context and details on the type of systems studied using the package, we recommend reading this book:

Classical and Quantum Parametric Phenomena A. Eichler and O. Zilberberg, Oxford University Press (2023).

And visiting our group's homepage.